Stimulating conversations between the field and office for 26 years
Organized by the Enhanced Oil Recovery’s Technical Advisory Board member, Mr. Steve Melzer and co-sponsored by SPE Permian Basin Section, the Midland CO2 Conference will focus on best CO2 practices and field tested innovations.
Monday, December 6 – Field trip to West Seminole CO2 Flood
Tuesday, December 7 – CO2 EOR Carbon Management Workshop: New Policies and Incentives
Wednesday, December 8
- Morning – U.S. and WW carbon Capture & Storage Projects: Underway and Planned
- Luncheon and PM: Large Volume Injections; Water as an Analog to carbon capture and storage
- Evening – SPE and Kinder Morgan CO2 Sponsored Reception at the Petroleum Museum
Thursday, December 9 – CO2-EOR Two Theme Sessions with world wide and Permian Basin CO2 Case Histories