EORI identifies CO2 enhanced oil recovery potential for Wyoming CO2 sources, prospective amenable oil and gas fields and favorable pipeline capacity.
Wyoming has world-class fields that have proven to be excellent targets for CO2 enhanced oil recovery (CO2 EOR) and have potential to recover significant future oil reserves from Wyoming reservoirs. CO2 EOR has been used in Wyoming since 1986 and there are nine commercial-scale floods that are currently active in the State.
The average incremental oil recovery for Wyoming’s ongoing CO2 EOR floods is over 10% of OOIP and the average total incremental oil recovered for all ongoing CO2 floods is over 15 million barrels per reservoir and over 135 million barrels for the State. Since 2010, over 10% of the state’s oil production has been incremental oil from CO2 floods. This report presents oil production data from each commercial-scale CO2 EOR flood, provides a brief discussion of the geology of each field, discusses the current CO2 supply and pipeline system for the State, and provides an estimate of potential future production from CO2 EOR if widely employed in Wyoming.
Download CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in Wyoming: 2020 Update here.