Distinguished Workshop Series: Waterflooding: Screening & Surveillance

Topic: Waterflooding: Screening and Surveillance
EORI's Distinguished Workshop Series on May 16, 2018 will feature Dr. Michael Wiggins of Wm. Cobb and Associates, Dallas.
Join us from 9am-4pm on Wednesday, May 16th at the True River Cross Commons – 465 N Poplar, Casper, WY.
The event is free to attend, but registration is required as space is limited. After registration, a confirmation email will be sent. Lunch will be provided by EORI.
• Sponsored by the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute
• Hosted by True Oil
About the Presenter:
Dr. Michael Wiggins, Wm. Cobb and Associates, Dallas
Dr. Michael L. Wiggins currently serves as Director of Technology and Training and Senior Vice President of William M. Cobb & Associates, Inc. (Cobb & Associates). He has over 35 years of professional experience in academia and the upstream oil and gas industry including drilling, production, and reservoir engineering. His industry experience includes employment with major and independent E&P companies and he has been offering petroleum engineering consulting services to the industry for over 20 years. His technical interests include reservoir management and engineering, production operations, well performance, and production optimization.
He has co-authored numerous papers in his areas of expertise and received research funding from various governmental agencies, international oil companies, and national oil companies. In addition, he has conducted numerous short courses in the areas of reservoir management, reservoir engineering, waterflood design and evaluation, well completions, production operations, and petroleum project evaluation.
Event Properties
Event Date | 05-16-2018 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 05-16-2018 4:00 pm |
Capacity | 75 |
Individual Price | This event is free to attend, but registration & email confirmation is required. |
Location | True River Cross Commons |