Senior Wildcatter’s Golf Tournament

Many "Wildcatter Seniors" would like to continue their friendships from past "Wildcatter's" Here is a chance to renew old acquaintances and be a part of the Rocky Mountain Senior "Wildcatter's " Golf Tournament. The "Seniors" tournament is for those who have retired from being actively engaged in the oil industry or for those who may still be active in "the patch" but would prefer to play a more leisurely game of golf.
In addition to the oilfield requirement, a player must be at least 40 years of age and their age and handicap must equal a total of at least 60 when added together.
Play will be a two day scramble with an 8 a.m. start. Prior to May 1, 2019 the first 144 paid up golfers from the 2018 Senior Wildcatter tournament, meeting the above qualifications, will make up the field which might include one lady player per foursome.
The pairing will be random. Consideration will be given for those with physical limitations who might not be able to participate in the entire tournament. Please note if you require special assistance, this will be discussed with you at registration.
Entry fee will include admittance to all "Wildcatters" evening social functions. (Does not include practice round or Saturday evening Banquet at Casper Country Club).
Event Properties
Event Date | 07-18-2019 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 07-20-2019 5:00 pm |
Individual Price | $150.00 |
Location | Paradise Valley Country Club |