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EORI Works with Wyoming Producers to Increase Oil and Gas Production
How We Help
Wyoming Reservoir Experts
Specialized knowledge of Wyoming geology and petroleum engineering including geologic and reservoir studies, characterization and simulation focused to develop effective and efficient EOR and IOR methods to improve recovery rates.
Project Partnerships and Technology Transfer
Through partnerships and technology transfer, EORI helps drive innovation and improves efficiency and effectiveness by transferring knowledge and expertise to Wyoming industry partners.
Collaborative Projects
Wyoming oil and gas producers can tap into the capabilities of EORI’s geologists and engineers through industry collaborative projects.
We are the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI)
The mission of EORI is to collaborate directly with the Wyoming oil and gas industry to reduce stranded oil reserves, extend field life, and increase revenue to the state of Wyoming through additional taxes from incremental production.

Featured Publications

The Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute publishes and contributes to the largest collection of Wyoming Oil & Gas EOR publications.
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Dave Turner
Motivational Speaker
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Carrie Steiniger
Account Manager
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Chris Mayne
Tech Reviewer
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Samantha Lewis
Eyewear Boutique Founder
Pete Obermueller
"EORI is critical in Wyoming’s energy future. Wyoming’s energy future depends upon developing the technologies and skills to access as-yet-unrecovered resources in existing fields. EORI, by focusing on real-world, practical projects to recover more from what we already have, is in the vanguard of this critical effort to Wyoming’s energy economy."

Pete Obermueller, 2024 – President, Petroleum Association of Wyoming