Effective EOR decision strategies with limited data: Field cases demonstration
Author: Manrique, E., Izadi, M., Kitchen, C., Alvarado, V.

Enhanced-Oil Recovery (EOR) for asset acquisition or rejuvenation involves intertwined decisions. In this sense, EOR operations are tied to a perception of high investments that demand EOR workflows with screening procedures, simulation and detailed economic evaluations. Procedures have been developed over the years to execute EOR evaluation workflows.
We propose strategies for EOR evaluation workflows that account for different levels of available information. These procedures have been successfully applied to oil property evaluations and EOR applicability in a variety of oil reservoirs. The methodology relies on conventional and unconventional screening methods, emphasizing identification of analogues to support decision making. The screening phase is combined with analytical or simplified numerical simulations to estimate full-field performance while maintaining rational reservoir segmentation procedures.
This paper fully describes the EOR decision-making procedures using field case examples from Asia, Canada, Mexico, South America and the United States. The type of assets evaluated includes a spectrum of reservoir types, from oil sands to light oil reservoirs. Different stages of development and information availability are discussed. Results show the advantage of flexible decision-making frameworks that adapt to the volume and quality of information by formulating the correct decision problem and concentrate on projects and/or properties with apparent economic merit.
Our EOR decision-making approaches integrate several evaluation tools, publicly or commercially available, whose combination depends on availability and quality of data. The decision is laid out using decision-analysis tools coupled with economic models and numerical simulation. This allows integrated teams to collaborate in the decision making process without over-analyzing the available data. One interesting aspect is the combination of geologic and engineering data, minimizing experts' bias and combining technical and financial figures of merit rationally. The proposed methodology has proved useful to screen and evaluate projects/properties very rapidly, identifying whether or not upside potential exists.
File Name: | Effective-EOR-decision-strategies-with-limited-data-Field-cases-demonstration-2008.pdf |
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