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Assessing Emission and Other Impacts Associated with the Proposed Federal Leasing Ban in Western States.


Assessing Emission and Other Impacts Associated with the Proposed Federal Leasing Ban in Western States.

The primary objective of the study is to assess the possible implications to GHG emissions associated with this proposed ban and to do so, estimate the drilling and production losses from policies to restrict oil and gas development on federal lands. From that estimate, the emissions impacts are assessed by examining the difference in emissions associated with possible makeup production, compared to the production loss resulting from the ban, or from higher natural gas drilling levels that may be required to make up for lost supplies.

File Name: Impacts-of-proposed-federal-leasing-ban-2021.pdf
File Size: 3.22 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Basin: Green River Basin, DJ Basin, Powder River Basin, Wind River Basin
State: Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Montana, North Dakota