Shuiquan Li

Dr. Shuiquan Li

Senior Petroleum Engineer

Reservoir Simulation and Seismic Modeling


Dr. Shuiquan Li

Shuiquan Li, grew up in Sichuan province, southwest of China. After earning a Bachelor and Master degree in petroleum engineering from Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU), Shuiquan joined the department of petroleum engineering of SWPU as a lecture in 1988. Shuiquan taught drilling engineering courses and did researches related to the trajectory control of deviated well and horizontal wells. After 1996, Shuiquan had focused his researches on reservoir fluid flows coupling with geomechanics in fractured reservoirs for 5 years, and developed a simulator of three phase fluid flow through deformable formations with dual porosity and dual permeability by using finite element method (FEM). Shuiquan developed algorithms of the fractured reservoir permeability upscaling based on dynamic fluid flow with finite boundary element method and domain parameter upscaling methods. In 2000, Shuiquan jointed Wave Propagation Lab (WPL) of Peking University, worked on the seismic anisotropy in fractured reservoirs, stress effects on seismic velocities and reservoir permeability in fractured reservoirs. In 2003 Shuiquan joined E&P Tech. Inc. (The predecessor of both LandOcean Energy Service Co. Ltd and GeoReservoir Research Inc. currently) as a research scientist where his research topics include streamline simulations of multiphase fluid flow, Geomechanics applications related to fractures, edge detections by using seismic data, seismic signal processing, seismic attributes algorithms , rock property inverse, effective permeability response in fractured reservoirs, well logs analysis, well transient tests, and seismic interpretations in carbonate reservoirs, Karst reservoirs, reservoir morphology detections. Before joining the University of Wyoming in 2007, Shuiquan spend one year in Ciudad Del Carmen of Mexico, and worked on seismic delineation of Cantarell reservoir.

Before joining EORI, from 2008 to 2011, as a researcher in geology & geophysics department of University of Wyoming, Shuiquan worked on geological models and compositional simulations for CO2 sequestration in the Nugget sandstone in Green River basin of Wyoming.

Shuiquan joined EORI as a reservoir modeler in 2011. His experiences include seismic interpretations of reservoirs, geological model buildings with integrated data and numerical reservoir simulations, reservoir engineering, petrophysical analysis, well test analysis, history match of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs, and reservoir development strategy optimization.


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Geology & Geophysics Department of University of Wyoming
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Geology Department of Peking University, China
  • Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • B.S., M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum Institute, China

Professional Affiliations

  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)